Spring Cleaning

5 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring has sprung!  We all know somebody that takes spring cleaning seriously!  Their yard looks great, their house is spotless, their hot tub is always clean.  You know the type. We criticize them but deep down, we are envious of their “perfect” life.  Envy no more!  Here are few spring cleaning tips, that can have your house looking great without spending endless hours cleaning and/or begging your kids to help.

  1. Take an afternoon and dedicate it to cleaning your walls. You might think you need a paint job, when all you really need is about 45 minutes and a Clean Magic Eraser.  Go around to the main areas where people touch.  Near light switches, door knobs, chairs, entrances and mud rooms are the main areas where finger prints and dirty hands leave their mark.  TIP: Because the Magic Eraser leaves a streak, wet a clean rag (with water) and wipe walls after you have wiped with the Magic Eraser.  Also, use gloves, to protect your hands from the chemicals in the Magic Eraser.
  1. Your doormat or welcome mat is the first thing your guests see. It makes a first impression of you and your household. You don’t have to buy the biggest and the best, you just have to keep it clean.  Don’t neglect those floor mats.  They can be vacuumed regularly or shaken and/or beaten against a tree to remove the leaves, mud and other residue.  Remember to sweep under the mat too!  Take 10 minutes every Sunday to clean your mat for the week.
  1. It is very common to have dead bugs in your light fixtures. How do they all collect there?  I don’t know. But, I do know that I hate looking up and seeing a collection of them inside the bowl. Clean your light fixtures by removing them from the ceiling then wipe the fixture until it is nice and clean.  You will most likely need a ladder and a partner.  During the rest of the year, remember to dust your fixtures.  You can purchase extension dusters at Superstore, Canadian Tire, Walmart, or any department store that sells cleaning supplies.  Pick a “remove dead bugs” day and plan on spending 30 minutes to an hour to clean your fixtures.
  1. Windows and Window Screens. I dread this chore.  It is one of my least favourites. But, it has to be done.  So, I like to do it all at once.  I like to clean them on a sunny warm day, so that it feels like fun.  Remove all the screens and hose them down and gently run a soft bristled broom over them to remove the sticky dust residue.  Then lean them on a wall to dry, while you clean your windows.  Depending on how many windows you have, this may be a three-hour job.  Reward yourself with a nice cold drink while you look through those perfectly clean windows.
  1. Patios and Decks. If you have a large deck and some extra money, then hire a good pressure washer to clean the winter salt stains, and the moss that has most likely attached itself to your deck.If you can’t afford to hire a person, then there are still other options.  You can rent a pressure washer for a day for about $50.  You will have to fill it with gas and learn to use it.  Pressure washers can do a lot of damage to cement, wood, and siding, if you are not careful with them.  Make sure you get good instructions and that you follow them closely.  I remember once, I got too close to my wooden railings on my deck, and the pressure washer nearly split the wood in half.  I have since re-done my deck, but, for a few years, it was a reminder of my inattentiveness.  Pressure washing can be very time consuming and requires a bit of stamina.  Prepare for this job to consume most of your day!If pressure washing just isn’t going to work for you, there is still another option.  You can purchase a hard bristle broom and hose down your deck, use dish soap and a bit of bleach and scrub (a little elbow grease) until clean.  Then rinse again. Prevent falls and make sure your deck is not slimy when wet.

Spring cleaning can be fun if you prepare and have all the tools you need BEFORE starting any task.  Planning the chores within your schedule will also help alleviate the dreaded cleaning feeling.

  1. Pick a time or day to do one or more of the tasks above.
  2. Purchase and have all supplies handy prior to starting.
  3. Play some music in background or use earphones
  4. Enlist the help of all or some family members (my rule: If you sleep and eat here, you clean here too)
  5. Set your timer and go!
  6. Enjoy the fruits of your labour and reward yourself with a treat when done.
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